Saturday, 17 March 2007

Either Google is Running the Government or ?

Some time ago, I had another Google Website, "squitforbrains.blogspot".
When Google up-graded their IP site, at least two of my blogspots disappeared. I tried to transfer a page from "Money, Money Money" on to this site. As you can see, it didn't work. The point is, I can't add to this post, and it is wasted now.

The way things have gone with Google this evening, I wouldn't be surprised to find that the Westminster "Tossers" were in charge of Google today. Either that, or Google has been running the British Government. Nothing bloody works.
Regards, ATF.

I was thinking about the Label for this post, and my mind began sorting the day's news. That poor Lady, Sally Clark. I had taken the trouble to look for as much information about professor Sir Roy Meadow as I could find. And the one glaring little gem of information that shone like a beacon was the fact that he would be paid an enormous sum of money for his "evidence", don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember his "evidence" could and did command in th region of £50,000 a time. The thought went through my mind that for so large an amountof money, if the case became "show business" standard, he had an income for life. Never mind the right or wrong, it made good Television. (One, just one, sample of the corruption of our Society and reason enough to curtail the power of the State. By removing Westminsters Power to levy Taxation.) And think of all the trouble those Billions of £Pounds in the Legal Aid Budget can cause.

The second example of the profound changes that have taken place in this Country, was the death of that young black boy in London. Today I watched the report on TV and listend to the remarks made. Even the interview the victim gave on some London TV channel.

The thing that frightened me, was to realise that I "Almost" didn't care. The realisation was a shock. What has this Country become? Me, an old white male, I've been around the world from East to West, and from North to South. From the North West coast of Norway, to St. Pauls and South of St. Pauls. From London to New Guinea, Kiriwina the Trobriand Islands, Woodlark, Goodenough, Fergusson, there are two more but my memory fails me. Anyway, from the South Pacific all the way West, by way of the Philippines and Zamboanga and into the South China Sea. Not forgetting the Sulu Sea. No I havn't gone astray. I can remember sitting at a roadside table in Luanda, West Africa, it must have been 1969 or earlier. I left Africa near the end of '69 and only worked the Mediterranean coast and Egypt after that. But Luanda, I was sitting there with a glass of beer and we, myself and three or four Americans, were talking about how clean the Town was. And it was, by today's standards, you could almost eat off the pavement. And the people, this is an exaggeration, but it was hard to fault them.

I'm turning it over in my mind and comparing yesterday with today. Yesterday was better. And about the knives and guns on the streets of our cities and towns, I remember a Retired, Senior Police officer from long ago, saying, "If once we lose control of the streets, we lose control of everything." He was talking about the time when "concessions" were being made by the courts, for "Rastas" smoking dope. .
This morning, at 0430hrs. Andrew Neil was on BBC TV, interviewing-----a black man, Philips. a pompous 'uman rights waster. The programme was Straight Talk, and straight talk I heard from Mr. Philips. He wants to see Half of the House of Commons with elected black and coloured MPs. And I expect the House of Lords to be the same. Tell me, it was a thought that amused me greatly, when it come to a representation requiring a Whole number plus a fraction or percentage, who get the job of cutting up the bits and pieces. And what happens about male or female members? Elected Members, not the Physical Members. I only ask, just in case an opening is available.

I've rambled on because I have come to no conclusion over the terrible fate of one lad and my conscience. The answer is the responsibility of our Legislators and Parliament. Only that pile of rubbish at Westminster have given away the Power to Legislate, we no longer Can do anything about the conduct of people on the streets. We can only do what we are told to do by others. While that situation exists, I can feel deeply saddened, but I now have No responsibility whatsoever for the actions or conduct of other people. I shall look after me and mine. The rest can go hang. Bloody awful when you are forced to adopt such an attitude that I regard as unnatural. It looks like I am going to spend quite a lot of time awake tonight, thinking about this. I am already at least ninty minutes late going up. So it's good night from me. And my conscience will take some gentle persuasion before it settles. Regards, ATF.

Money Money Money

Money Money Money

This was a Website I used to keep up to date with. Then when Google changed their Format, it got lost and I have not been able to use it again.
What I would like to do, is "tack it on to the bottom of another site or just add it to the tow Websites on my Dashboard. If anyone reading this knows how to bring this site into play once again, I would be eternaly greatful. Regards, ATF.

Friday, 16 March 2007

It Would Seem That My Efforts Are Wasted Here.

I have been posting on Blogspot for a while now. I even had, or thought I had, a click counter installed. But as far as I can tell no one has even visited this Site or its other half, "endofdirecttaxation".

There are two other Websites and I make postings on "Guardian Unlimited" and the BBC Action Network.

My Postings on the BBC, Website are the very top BBC listing on the Google Search Engine for Sovereignty, Democracy Taxation. This morning the BBC came out first with my posting the first item.

While I have been thinking the problem over, and as this might be my last post, so to speak, I will try to do it justice.

Five day's from today and the Gay Gordon will be giving his Budget Speach. I'm sure he will make quite a fist of it. With his imagination,and so much of a mess this Government has made of the Economy. We are now well on target to reach the 50% stage. That is 50% of your wages, taken in Taxation for the "good of the State and the comfort of Poor People". We do have 5 and a half million working aged people drawing benefits and then another 5 million living on some form of Taxpayer assistance. MPs, who are being paid £60,000 a year, can, with a little jiggery-pokery, claim Tax Credits. There's creative for you. Only Gordon and his Magic Round-About could conjure up a situation where a man gets paid a little more than £1000 a week and can still claim the Benefit of Taxpayers Money. And that is not even to mention the fact that the MP is in receipt of another £4000 plus, each week for expenses. What all this rubbish from Gordon really means is that you Taxpayers are now having to pay an enormous 45.3 % of your Earnings in Taxation to the State. (Oh yes, I've just remembered, MPs are to get another £10,00 a year expenses for, it is either Telephone or Travel. )

There are some people who think that the Government has done a goog job with the NHS, and other services. Even when the Home Secretary himself stands there and says the Home Office,"is not fit for purpose", these stupid people go "Ah but they do try". These people who pretend to be leaders, none of them are "Fit For Purpose".

Only when you have taken away their power to levy Taxation, will you fully understand the damage these Wasters had created in this Great Country. Once you insist that MPs are paid by their Constituents and paid only what they are worth, you will get Honest Government and true Democracy of the People. Not just, of the People with money, and hang the rest.
It is Your Country and Half the TaxRevenue is your Money. Make sure it is Bloody WELL spent. Enough for now, Regards, ATF WatchKeeper.

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

The BBC and Wordpress

I posted that piece about the Business Magazine on the 11th. of February and then the other day, Monday I believe, I received an e-mail saying the post had been removed. Pathetic. The TEN Thousand £Pounds a week, acting DG, must be scared of upsetting the Politicians. I mean, £10 thou' a week dosen't fall into your lap more than once in a lifetime. Poor woman, all that money and not much time to spend it. I'll bet she's on the Wet stuf or the White stuff by now and in re-hab next week or month.

I don't know what it is about WordPress, but I haven't posted there for about a week or two and again, I can't log in. I'll try again before I go to bed.

I had an alert for a Website I visit quite often, "Shout 99" and I have spent a good part of the time having a go at some "Financial Adviser" who thinks everyone should pay Taxation just as demanded by the Government. I use a link from my e-mail to access the site, I'll make a note of the URL next time and put it here.

Time I called it a day, much of it wasted I'm afraid. Must do better tomorrow. Regards, WatchKeeper.

Sunday, 11 February 2007

BBC, Working Lunch. Daily Programme

Last week on the BBC, 2 TV, they broadcast a short programme about the practice of changing the way a Company or Business is listed and the Type of Business and Financial arrangement used to minimise Taxation. The programme is Working Lunch, the Title of this post.

It is in order, and it is Legal, to change to a holding Company and out-source all the working parts of the Business.

But the point is, who is it intended to profit from the change? If it is the Bankers, the Legal Team, the Advisers or the Companies Officers, then what is being done today is almost perfect. But if it is intended to benefit the Company, the Shareholders and all of the Employees, then I am afraid the methods being used, are wasting millions of £Pounds of Shareholders money. And remember, that money, or a great deal of it, belongs to Pension Funds. Could it be more of the Allied Steel and Wire rip off ?Allied Steel and
If any Company wants to DE-list and go Private, let me know. I'll show you how to get it legally completed for a few thousand £Pounds Sterling. Not the Millions companies are now paying. My services are for Free, I want to see as many people as it is possible, Avoid paying Direct Taxation to any Westminster Government.

Don't take my word for it, get yourself a copy of the Business Magazine for 10th. February. Have a look at their Cover Story. By Jon Ashworth and Allister Heath. This is just a synopsis, or summary. (I don't know which.)
"Like Rome at the height of Empire, Britain plc once considered itself unassailable but names which straddled the globe are just so many fallen giants. Private equity muscle, cheap credit, ample liquidity, low risk premium, booming world growth and increased globalisation are fuelling the revolution."

Someone is in line to pay for all of this, I'll give you three guesses who will be missing when that time comes. Oh yes, if you can't get the Magazine, try this -:

Time I think for a cup of Tea, and so to bed. At my age I need lots of beauty sleep. It dosen't do any good but I feel better. Regards, WatchKeeper.

Sunday, 4 February 2007

The Daily Express IHT, Campaign.

A couple of nights ago, (Evenings really.) I had a look at the on-line Daily Express, I had posted an opinion on "have your say". And I was delighted to see that they have a Campaign against IHT. going full steam ahead. It seems that they have really hit a sore point. And as you can see, it is my intention to bring this "nightmare" to an end.

It isn't that I object to Taxation as such, it is the cruel and wasteful way that it is applied. Leaving Pensioners who have paid Taxes all their working lives, to pay again, now in retirement, for a bunch of young lay-about yobbos to sit in cafe or bars and being paid "jobseekers allowance". A friend of mine mentioned one time when I complained of the number of immigrants in Gt. Yarmouth, " At least most of them work for a living. Not like the *** lazy local lot". And that friend, is an Income Tax Inspector. End of argument.

Not that far from where I live, they are going to tear up the Countryside, concrete it over and then build a housing estate. For the overflow of immigrants and asylum seekers. I despair.

In 2005, I made an attempt to start a Campaign against Direct Taxation by advertising in the Press. I contacted the Telegraph, The Daily Mail and the Times. I agreed to put an advertisement in all three, and a provisional agreement was made. A day or two later, the Times, telephoned to say that there Legal Dept' said no to my ad'. Then about the next day I'm blowed if the good old "Right Wing" Daily Mail didn't do exactly the same. The Mail is all hot air
and I thought there was some bottle to their ranting, but it turns out to be Bombast. The Telegraph did publish my add, for three days. I did get replies as well. But they were all from people wanting to avoid Inheritance Tax. So sad.

Until I saw the Express, I thought the Establishment had it all sewn up tight. Almost No-one challenges Westminster or Whitehall. So,it's up to you Taxpayers, get up off your BackSides, all of you, get with the Daily Express and Join This Campaign, Your Campaign, To Change The System Of Direct Taxation. If you stick together you can't lose. I can only show you how to do it.
You have to do the donkey work.

Sweep away the clapped out rubbishy and broken-down Welfarestate, Cool Britannia Blair style has had its day. Build yourself your own Welfare Society. You have to join to be in it.
Enough already, time I had a rest. Regards, ATF, WatchKeeper.

Organisations Kind Enough to take my Links.

That title is not quite what I want to say, but it is all it will allow. But lets get on with the Links.

Adam Smith Institute: -- 23 Great Smith Street,- London,- SW1P 3BL

Civitas: -- 77 Great Peter Street,- London,- SW1P 2EZ

Politeia: -- 22 Charing Cross Road,-London,- WC2H 0HR

n.e.r.a : -- National Economic Research Associates

The Freedom Association : --

Taxpayers Alliance: -- Vigilant House,-120 Wilton Road,-London,- SW1V 1JZ

Reform :

Eastern Daily Press : -- Norwich,- Norfolk

Centre for Policy Studies : -- 57 Tufton Street,- London, - SW1P 3QL

National Association of Pension Funds : -- NIOG House,- 4 Victoria Street,-
London,- SW1H 0NX

The Globalisation Institute :

BBC, Action Network :

Federation of Master Builders :

Tax Control Blogspot :


There are other Websites, but these Organisations are sympathetic to the idea of changing the system of Taxation. And if removing the power of Government, to levy Direct Taxation is the way to go, I am sure we can count on all these people helping us.

We have to remember, Politicians can promise much, but while you are not looking or paying close attention to the way the wind blows, when you wake up, the Bu**** have stolen your Pension , or some other asset has disappeared. Like Inheritance Tax? If you are making changes, make sure you remain in control of the System of Taxation you agree to install. You, the Taxpayer, must never again allow the Elected assembly, Parliament, take that control away from you. It is Your bloody money.

It must never again be a case of "What, or How Much", the Politician wants to spend, it must always be a case of "How Much the Taxpayer is Willing to Allow".
Time for a cup of tea. Regards, ATF, WatchKeeper.

Saturday, 3 February 2007


Well, that's it then. At last I seem to have got the beginning right.

My interest is in Electronic Security, and I started more than twenty years ago, the only trouble is, at that time and ever since, the Technology Industry, and I mean that part dealing with Plastic Cards and Money Transfer, have only ever paid lip service to "that idea of Secutity".

It isn't that they can't do it. It's just that for the most part, the Banking Industry doesn't want too much of a change in the methods they use. Can't have too many people knowing what goes on.

That's a bit hard on them really, the Banks, but there are a few very bad Apples about. Now down to the real business of why I am here.

I have read lots and lots of comment about Direct Taxation on the Internet over the last year. And today, 2007, it is getting worse. More of it, and more angry. Or the other extreme, dispairing.

In the first few years of 1990s, I worked out a system of Working Contract and Employment changes needed to enable the Employer and the Employee, to by-pass all Direct Taxation.

I know that everything I propose is Legally correct and in order because I have had it checked by some security people at the Treasury and again, friends working at the Inland Revenue as is was then. Unofficially of course.

So we come to the subject of your money, the Taxation you are Obliged to pay, and the sorry state of what passes for "Service" in this Country. I know you are being robbed, you know you are being robbed, but what are you going to do about it? Me, I don't pay any Taxation. At my age I'm passed it. But I have spent much of my spare time wondering if the Taxpayers were in a mood to Jettison Taxation by Central Government and introduce a simple, single payment "FlatTax". And take charge of the whole system, only based on a County by County approach, allowing Westminster and Whitehall a very Minimal Mingy amount of money. All MPs would be paid by their Constituency.

Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention the fact that I have had this concept for change, complete and available for a number of years. I have approached all the usual suspects, in attempting to find Financial backing, and then in 2005, at the beginning of that year, I was offered the Finances that were needed, almost without argument.

What I need to do now, is collect enough Taxpayers to come on board and take part in this. To build confidence in the system, it will require you, the Taxpayers to become the Legal Officers of this Manoeuvre and between you, be responsible for the integrity of the whole new:--

I was going to underline it, but I'll probably muck it up. Still enough for now.
Regards, ATF. WatchKeeper.