Sunday, 4 February 2007

Organisations Kind Enough to take my Links.

That title is not quite what I want to say, but it is all it will allow. But lets get on with the Links.

Adam Smith Institute: -- 23 Great Smith Street,- London,- SW1P 3BL

Civitas: -- 77 Great Peter Street,- London,- SW1P 2EZ

Politeia: -- 22 Charing Cross Road,-London,- WC2H 0HR

n.e.r.a : -- National Economic Research Associates

The Freedom Association : --

Taxpayers Alliance: -- Vigilant House,-120 Wilton Road,-London,- SW1V 1JZ

Reform :

Eastern Daily Press : -- Norwich,- Norfolk

Centre for Policy Studies : -- 57 Tufton Street,- London, - SW1P 3QL

National Association of Pension Funds : -- NIOG House,- 4 Victoria Street,-
London,- SW1H 0NX

The Globalisation Institute :

BBC, Action Network :

Federation of Master Builders :

Tax Control Blogspot :


There are other Websites, but these Organisations are sympathetic to the idea of changing the system of Taxation. And if removing the power of Government, to levy Direct Taxation is the way to go, I am sure we can count on all these people helping us.

We have to remember, Politicians can promise much, but while you are not looking or paying close attention to the way the wind blows, when you wake up, the Bu**** have stolen your Pension , or some other asset has disappeared. Like Inheritance Tax? If you are making changes, make sure you remain in control of the System of Taxation you agree to install. You, the Taxpayer, must never again allow the Elected assembly, Parliament, take that control away from you. It is Your bloody money.

It must never again be a case of "What, or How Much", the Politician wants to spend, it must always be a case of "How Much the Taxpayer is Willing to Allow".
Time for a cup of tea. Regards, ATF, WatchKeeper.

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