Sunday, 4 February 2007

The Daily Express IHT, Campaign.

A couple of nights ago, (Evenings really.) I had a look at the on-line Daily Express, I had posted an opinion on "have your say". And I was delighted to see that they have a Campaign against IHT. going full steam ahead. It seems that they have really hit a sore point. And as you can see, it is my intention to bring this "nightmare" to an end.

It isn't that I object to Taxation as such, it is the cruel and wasteful way that it is applied. Leaving Pensioners who have paid Taxes all their working lives, to pay again, now in retirement, for a bunch of young lay-about yobbos to sit in cafe or bars and being paid "jobseekers allowance". A friend of mine mentioned one time when I complained of the number of immigrants in Gt. Yarmouth, " At least most of them work for a living. Not like the *** lazy local lot". And that friend, is an Income Tax Inspector. End of argument.

Not that far from where I live, they are going to tear up the Countryside, concrete it over and then build a housing estate. For the overflow of immigrants and asylum seekers. I despair.

In 2005, I made an attempt to start a Campaign against Direct Taxation by advertising in the Press. I contacted the Telegraph, The Daily Mail and the Times. I agreed to put an advertisement in all three, and a provisional agreement was made. A day or two later, the Times, telephoned to say that there Legal Dept' said no to my ad'. Then about the next day I'm blowed if the good old "Right Wing" Daily Mail didn't do exactly the same. The Mail is all hot air
and I thought there was some bottle to their ranting, but it turns out to be Bombast. The Telegraph did publish my add, for three days. I did get replies as well. But they were all from people wanting to avoid Inheritance Tax. So sad.

Until I saw the Express, I thought the Establishment had it all sewn up tight. Almost No-one challenges Westminster or Whitehall. So,it's up to you Taxpayers, get up off your BackSides, all of you, get with the Daily Express and Join This Campaign, Your Campaign, To Change The System Of Direct Taxation. If you stick together you can't lose. I can only show you how to do it.
You have to do the donkey work.

Sweep away the clapped out rubbishy and broken-down Welfarestate, Cool Britannia Blair style has had its day. Build yourself your own Welfare Society. You have to join to be in it.
Enough already, time I had a rest. Regards, ATF, WatchKeeper.

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